Sunday, July 6, 2008

Raising Strong Family By Fishing

Tip! Fishing for snooks is quite similar as fishing for bass. Snooks like to be around ledges, posts and rocks.

I have always enjoyed the outdoors since I was a kid. My Father made hunting and fishing an everyday part of my life. He was a Boeing Executive, but using the outdoors as your stress relief made him a great Dad.

Well, I grew up and had my own family of a great wife, daughter and son, and I started taking them fishing from day one. It is amazing what you can do with a kid on your back.

I took those kids everywhere with us. It did not stop me from my favorite hobbies or outdoor escapes. It only enhanced them.

It really bothers me to see parents leaving their kids at home to do their activities. Time and time again I see folks treating their kid like they were a burden. Then years later, they wonder why they are having relationship problems with their kids. Take them fishing, biking, hiking, shopping, driving, swimming or what ever you do. Put them on your back, install a special seat, dress them real warm, buy the best safety equipment and start being a family.

Trout Fishing Secrets. Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed - How To Catch A Trout Everytime: When Spinner Fishing Your Favorite Stream Or River.

You will enjoy your activities so much better when you see it through your kids eyes. They will enhance the trips with their questions and playfulness. If your friends done like your kids with you, then tell them to bring their too. If that does not work, then they are poor friends.

Tip! Check your line just above the lure frequently when fishing crankbaits around rocks, gravel, stumps, and other hard obstructions. They can quickly fray your line.

My kids are now in their 20's, and they still love doing activities with their folks. I have devoted a outdoor web site to them and created special search sites line,, and to make finding outdoor activities easy to find for your family.

Please, stop looking at your kids as something to keep you from your favorite activities. Take them along, modify what you normally do to include kids and start being a family everyday.


Family outdoor activities. A mission a bring families closer by being together and enjoying each others company.

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