Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New to Fly Fishing?

Carp Fishing Secrets. The Carp Angler's Bible. Over 270 Pages Of Carp Fishing Advice From The Home Of Carp Fishing.

Fly fishing is an exciting sport and it has unique challenges. Just choosing the equipment you'll need presents a challenge, but by doing a little research first you'll be an expert at picking your fly fishing equipment in no time.

Picking out your equipment can be a lot of fun or it can be a daunting task that you're not looking forward to. Realize up front that you can end all the mystery by picking out a combo pack that typically includes the fly fishing rod and reel, the line and leader, and usually a an accessory pack to get you started on the flies.

If you do decide to purchase your fishing equipment separately, realize that your rod, reel, and line will all need to coordinate with each other. The fly fishing rod and reel will typically have numbers on them; this number corresponds to the line weight and you'll want to coordinate the proper line weight with that of the rod and reel.

You can usually find a helpful salesperson in a fly shop. They are used to assisting beginners who aren't exactly sure of what they need. It's important to realize that the equipment you purchase is dependent upon what you will be fishing for and where you will be fishing. The salesperson will probably ask you these questions so he can select the right equipment for you.

Even if you decide to go with a combo pack the first time out, it's important that you buy that in person in a brick and mortar store instead of online. As you gain experience into the exact equipment you need, you'll be more qualified to buy something sight unseen.

However, for your first fly fishing excursion, you'll want to be able to physically feel and cast the line before you buy the rod and the reel.

Once you go on your first fly fishing vacation, you'll get a much better idea of what works for you and what you might need to replace.

Rashme Wong is a successful Webmaster and publisher. She provides information on above article's topic.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Just Bitten by the Bass Fishing Bug? A Basic Equipment List

Bass Fishing Secrets. Beginners Bass Fishing Guide. Increased Payouts, Re-designed Site.

Bass fishing for many begins the first time they get that hit and proceeds from there to become a lifelong avocation. If you have just discovered bass fishing then it's time to start accumulating your bass fishing tackle. Over the course of your bass fishing lifetime you will probably have many rods and reels, literally hundreds of lures and a wide variety of storage boxes. However, the first gear you buy need not be expensive or abundant as long as it suits the needs of a novice bass angler.

Rods. As you become more experienced you may find that you want several rods of varying lengths and made out of different materials. A good first rod for a neophyte fisherman is generally five and a half to six feet long and made of graphite, fiberglass or a graphite/fiberglass blend. Longer rods may give more reach in casting but they also require more nuance. Look for a balanced, medium weight rod. As the term implies, that is a rod which has its weight evenly distributed from end to end.

Reels. Once you have chosen your rod, select a complimentary reel. Consider a rod and reel combo package. Many beginning fishermen shy from this simple answer to tackle selection; after all, buying stuff is half the fun. Still purchasing an inexpensive rod and reel bundle allows you to get the feel for bass fishing gear before making a large investment. If you have decided to make separate purchases, check out the spincast reels. They have fewer line tangle problems and provide smooth casting and retrieval. Most also allow for a wide variance in lines and lures.

Lines. Most rod and reels will recommend the line weights that harmonize well with them. In general, a 10# line will hold up well in the vast number of situations you'll encounter. As you become a more sophisticated angler you will learn the many factors that go into proper line selection. Strength, resistance to breaking, stretch, diameter, even color are all important in making more sophisticated line choices. Don't worry about those now though; just buy a high quality line.

Lures. Choosing the right lure for the right area and the right bass is key to successful bass fishing. If you are going with experienced fishermen or with a guide, they will be your best resource for information on what lure or bait to pack. The number one bait out there though is the humble worm. Stock up on these in a variety of colors and pick up a few inexpensive spinnerbaits.

Tackle boxes. Here again many new fishermen go for the fully featured models, the more drawers and trays the better. Quite often though the more places you have to put things the more ways you have to lose them. Start out with a simple tackle box with a large open bottom and a few small trays.

Now you're ready for the most fun of all: Bass fishing. Hit the water, be safe and good luck.

If you want to catch more bass you need to come over to http://www.AllAboutBassFishing.com. We provide many tips, tactics, articles and more to help with your next bass fishing adventure. Whether you fish for largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, peacock bass, or any other type of bass we can help you.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shoreline/Dock Fishing vs. From the Boat

Beginners Guide To Saltwater Fishing. Secrets That Enable You To Catch More Fish Than You Ever Dreamed Possible.

To say that fishing from the shore is like going to the beach and not swimming, is an understatement. However, some of my earliest and most memorable fishing experiences involve being on the bank.

Obviously, fishing from a boat is a better and more preferred method, just for the simple fact that you can cast to the bank and not from it. However, if you can find the perfect spot, you can still "walk" away with an enjoyable experience. Part of that, comes from knowing were and sometimes how to cast.

Telling you how to cast can get you started, but you must get past the fear and feeling of loss that comes with losing a lure or a rig. It happens, get over it and cast. If you think you're spending too much on tackle, then I would suggest finding someone to show you a few casting tips and tricks. Get out and do it, or limit yourself to just reading about fishing.

I understand the fear of losing that 4, 5, 6 dollar and up lure or the rig you spent an hour rigging up, that is why I suggest finding someone who can show you, in person, a few things to get you over that fear of losing a 15 dollar lure. Just remember, sometimes you are going to loose a lure, no matter how hard you try not to. And yes, there are some lures that cost that much and more.

I will try to expand on casting in another article. Please allow me to return to the task at hand.
Locating a dock that's in a relatively small cove is like heaven, especially if it's at the end of that cove. The dock is a structure, fish are drawn to structures. It gives them a reference point, plus cover and shelter. And fish generally stay in one cove, moving in patterns around that cove.

Tip! Check your line just above the lure frequently when fishing crankbaits around rocks, gravel, stumps, and other hard obstructions. They can quickly fray your line.

The key to catching a nice sized bass or even a decent sized bluegill or crappie is being able to cast to the bank, not from it. Casting and retrieving parallel to the bank, on the outskirts of a weed-bed is another crucial factor.

Don't get me wrong, casting straight out into the water from the bank works also, just not as well. If you're using a hook and bobber, this can be the preferred method. Large-mouth bass have been known to take a worm on a hook, although rarely.

Tip! Fishing for snooks is quite similar as fishing for bass. Snooks like to be around ledges, posts and rocks.

Getting your lure under those overhanging tree limbs is the trick, which can be a hurdle in itself. I mentioned, in an earlier article, that you can skip some lures across the water like a stone. However, the soft plastic lures usually skip better than the hard plastic ones.

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The trick is using a lure that is smooth and flat enough to contact the water properly for skipping. Just like when you were a kid looking for rocks to skip, finding a lure that skips has the same principles involved.

I have found that the Gulp series, watermelon-green frog by the brand Berkley is the best. I don't think the color makes a difference in skipping however, as far as catching a good sized lunker, color makes a big difference. This particular soft-plastic frog skips extremely well. I'm talkin' three or four skips, sometimes a full ten feet or more.

Tip! Some fishing lodges advertise a certain amount for a few days by the lake. It is advisable to ask if there are any hidden charges.

Finding a small cove on foot is much the same as finding a dock on a small cove. Being able to cast to the other bank is what gets me to stop and throw my favorite lure. (Or what happens to be on my line at the time)

In this situation, I would have a minnow type lure; hard plastic lipped or soft plastic weed-less, or a frog or "creature" rig. When I say "creature", I'm talking about lizards, skirted tubes and crawfish or crayfish depending on where you're from.

Your goal is to cast or skip the lure across the water, under the tree limbs to the bank, or as close to the bank as you can get. Then reel in slow and steady, sometimes stopping to let the lure drop to the bottom a few feet from the shore, this can produce amazing results.

Tip! To be an amateur fisherman there are basic pieces of fishing equipment needed to complete your exciting journey in the fishing world. Knowing the line type and matching the right rod and reel to the fishing technique is just basic common sense.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the lure is only going to skip one or two times and a very short distance at that. This is where casting accuracy comes into play. One quick tip, try a side-arm cast to get the trajectory low and flat. But enough about trajectory, this isn't rocket science, or is it?

When I approach a lake on foot, I also try to "sneak up" on the lake. I know it sounds funny however, the less noise you make approaching the bank, the better your chance of not scaring away a nice big fish. The older and bigger fish are older and bigger for a reason.

Fish can see you on the bank. The ones that have been caught and released will flee if they see you coming with your pole and tackle box, crashing through the brush and making the noises associated with being caught. Have fun, but try not to make a party out of it. Other anglers may thank you for it also.

And as always, keep happy thoughts and good fishing to you.

Chris lives in Nashville, IN. with his dog, Piranah.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tides - Influence on Fish Feeding

Betta Fish Secrets Betta Fish Care e-Book. Pays 75% and is converting like crazy.

The feeding cycle of some fish is directly influenced by tidal movements. In most parts of the world fish that cling to coastal areas feed mainly on the flood tide when smaller organisms are washed in with warmer water in winter and with colder water in summer. There are times when fish feed on the tail end of the ebb tide and the start of the flood tide. This would account for the variation in a fish species' diet from one area to another at different times. What may seem indicative of a certain species' feeding habits in one location, may not be the same at another location just a short distance away.

When smaller organisms and small fish are washed in with a rising tide, bigger fish will follow and feed on them, leaving again when the food source runs out. Dusk and dawn are another of the variables. Large numbers of marine organisms, which the surface fish feed on, move up from the depths at night when the surface water cools. They migrate back to the depths as the sun rises, away from the warmer upper layers and the sun's rays.

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Locality also dictates behaviour, not all places in the world have two tides, such as New Guinea. There are places that have one tide higher than the other and other places with mixed tides, sometimes several a day. With the moon exactly over the equator, these places have two tides of equal height and as the angle of the moon to the equator increases, the second tide disappears.

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The feeding behaviour and habits of fish which depend on tides vary as much as the tides vary. There is some thought that the variations of the tidal flow confuse the fish. This is not so, if the food rides in with the tide, so will the fish. Uncertain tides may not fool the fish, but they certainly fool the angler. A truly tidal feeding species will feed at irregular intervals, due to the variance of tides and indeed, many fish can go for long periods of time without feeding at all.

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An estuary with a rising tide is good news for fish, with organisms washing in from outside the estuary. So just after high tide, many fish move in from the ocean and from the upstream areas to feed in the estuaries on all the fresh organisms.

Currents within the ocean are just as important, especially the vertical and inclined currents which firstly carry cooler water up from the depths to the surface and divert warmer water to the cooler levels and secondly, they bring vast numbers of organisms to the continental shelf where fish can feed on them.

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Surface currents are affected by wind and surges, whereas vertical currents react to temperature and salinity. Fish use these vertical currents as birds do the wind currents, rising and navigating to different depths during their migrations. Without these currents which carry plankton and other organisms, fish may not be so abundant around our coastal areas.

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The importance of the upwelling currents bringing cooler water to the top and moving warmer water away also negates the need for temperature sensitive fish to remain within their temperature tolerance by following the water away from the coast and away from their natural feeding grounds.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Fishing

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Perfect Gifts For The Fly Fishing Enthusiast

Tip! More and more anglers are taking up fly fishing because of the pleasure it brings. Not only is there a lot of enjoyment in executing a nice cast, but it's a type of fishing in which you can learn as much as you want, or maybe just a little and have a good time.

There is a fly fishing gift out there perfect for your budget and perfect for your loved one, too! The greatest news is that you can purchase a fly fishing gift for anyone at great prices just by browsing around online.

When you know someone closely and you happen to know that this person has everything he or she needs for fly fishing, there is a wonderful selection of fly fishing accessories available. Or perhaps he or she has everything they need - but they really want a new fly fishing vest. A fly fishing vest is a great fly fishing gift. Especially for the fly fishing enthusiast, and those who are just starting our and beginning to collect fly fishing gear.

There are virtually hundreds of different kinds of fly fishing gifts so how do you know which fly fishing gift to purchase? Especially if you do not go fly fishing yourself, it can be a confusing choice to make.

Basic lures are always a great idea, as well as fly fishing knots, fly fishing flies, reels, rods and even those super classy flyfishing gifts like new rod cases. The good news is that there are so many flyfishing accessories available that we know you will find something.

Tip! Fly fishing rods made of graphite tend to be quite stiff, but this doesn't mean that they are not effective. This type of fly fishing rod is very strong, although the strength can vary depending on the quality.

If you really cannot think of anything else, no other fly fishing gift, that your loved one will like, you can always purchase things like key chains, t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers and such.

Lastly, if you know exactly what you want but it seems to elude you at every turn - browse around online, there are so many in stock items perfect for a fly fishing gift. And your ideal fly fishing gift will absolutely be among the wide selection of fly fishing merchandise.

You will be able to find a fly fishing gift for anyone at all when you search online. No matter what skill level and no matter how often or how little he or she goes out fly fishing. You will certainly find a fly fishing gift your loved one will be pleased with when you look in the right places.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, recreation and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles about recreation and gifts visit Fly Fishing Gifts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Matching Your Fishing Gear To The Type Of Fish You're Fishing For...

Fantastic Fish Ponds. Have The Fish Pond You Have Always Dreamed Of - Guaranteed.

One of the biggest mistakes that I see on rivers and streams throughout the country is people fishing on a nice trout stream with fishing equipment that would enable them to fight and land a 25 pound striped bass! This is often overlooked as a reason people are unsuccessful, but it shouldn't be. You're fishing equipment, meaning your rod, reel, line size, hook size, etc. It's all of critical importance to the outcome of your next fishing excursion.

Let's begin with an example: If you're fishing for trout out of your local trout stream, you know that the likelihood of you hooking into a 5 pound rainbow trout is very slim. Therefore line any larger than 6 pound test is overkill. Six pound test means that the line will stand up to at least six pounds of pressure before breaking. Also consider that the bend of the rod helps take pressure off of the line as well. So six pound test is more than strong enough for your local trout stream. I just don't know if I can take seeing another "bird's nest" of old line on my local trout stream that is obviously 10 pound test!

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For this example a rod bigger than light action is overkill as well. A decent light action rod should do the trick. The lighter action the rod and line, the more bites you will be able to detect as well. I personally use a five foot ultra light rod, spooled with four pound test for almost all of my trout fishing, but some people do think I'm a few bricks short of a load. Oh well, it's always worked for me.

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What about hook size for the above example? I've been out on the local trout stream and seen anglers (although I use the term loosely) trying to thread a night crawler onto a size 4 hook! You know what this creates don't you? This creates the ever popular "worm ball"! I could go the rest of my days without ever seeing another "worm ball". I personally use a size 10 hook. Well actually two size 10 hooks tied in tandem. It creates the most natural presentation possible, and elevates the dreaded "worm ball". And let me tell you something; I've caught some very large fish on size 10 hooks! Much larger than you might think is possible. So match your hook size to what you're fishing for as well.

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Now you might be saying, "This is all fine and dandy on my local trout stream, but...." I know what you're thinking. What if you're after a bit larger quarry? Let's use another example. How about trolling for Pike in Northern Ontario? A five foot ultra light rod, spooled with four pound test, isn't going to enable you to land much more than your bait for these bad boys. But remember, the same principles apply.

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In this scenario the likelihood of hooking into a Northern Pike any larger than 25 pounds is very slim. Therefore, as with the other example, 20 pound test should be more than enough. If you're squeamish, go with 25 pound test, but that should do it. Remember, the larger in diameter the fishing line, the easier it is for the fish to see. So in this example, I would say to use a medium to medium/heavy action rod with an appropriate reel attached. Then spool said reel with 18-20 pound test line. I personally always tend to go as light as possible. I guess it's just in my blood. I just don't need to see any more yea-hoo's out there trolling for Pike with a surf casting setup.

Betta Fish Secrets Betta Fish Care e-Book. Pays 75% and is converting like crazy.

The bottom line is this: Match your rod, reel, line, hell all you're fishing gear to the size and type of fish that you're fishing for and we'll all be better off. Not to mention the fact that you'll catch more fish and probably have more fun.

Betta Fish Secrets betta fish care ebook. pays 75% and is converting excellent.

Trevor Kugler
Co-founder of JRWfishing.com
Trevor has more than 20 years of fishing experience, and specializes in ultralight river fishing.
http://www.jrwfishing.com - products and information to save you time and help you catch more fish.

Fishing With Floats

Tip! Some fishing lodges advertise a certain amount for a few days by the lake. It is advisable to ask if there are any hidden charges.

A float when fishing does two jobs: it lets the angler know when his bait has been taken, giving him a visual point where the line enters the water. It also dangles the bait at a pre-determined distance between the top of the bottom and the bottom. As with every other piece of tackle, the angler must know what fish he is after and what the characteristics of that fish are in order to select the correct tackle.

Some fish are naturally suspicious of bait attached to a float. Although it appears to float invisibly in the water, the bait resists attempts to move it or swallow it. Some fish, particularly a luderick, will immediately release bait from its mouth when it feels the drag of a float from above. A float should bob on the surface in a state of neutral buoyancy. The slightest tug from below will be transmitted to the angler and will not alert the fish to its presence. The ideal use of the float therefore requires a careful balance between the weight of the float and the use of a splitshot sinker or weight.

Tip! Before going deeper into the technicalities, make sure that a fishing license is secured.

The difficulty of using a line with a float is usually in the length of line between the float and the hook, which is hard to manage during casting. Ideally a float should be rigged so that it runs along the line and stops at a pre-determined point on the line with the use of a splitshot sinker or swivel. This point is the desired depth at which the angler would like his bait to dangle underneath the water.

The shape of the float is almost as essential as the weight or buoyancy of the float. The bobbing cork of the rock fisherman must be able to support the weight of the bait as well as the turbulence of the water washing back from the rocks. There is no need for it to as sensitive as the float of the estuary fisherman who would use a long slender float with a sensitive tip.

The bubble float is a favourite among trout and mullet fishermen. It is a clear, plastic ball with plugs, which allow the angler to partially fill the ball with water and hence regulate its weight and where it sits on the surface of the water. Some floats are designed to lie straight on the surface of the water and only stand upright when registering a bite from below. These floats are not popular however as they are difficult to locate and track before the bite. Luminous floats can also be used, however these are not popular either as the luminous fades after a short time.

Tip! As experts say, it is not the bait that catches the carp but the method in which the bait is introduced.

Colours of a float are important only to the individual angler and the best is determined by their ease of sight in various types of water.

Tip! There are a few basic methods that are effective in catching catfish. Bear in mind that specific methods are applicable to specific kinds of waters.

With the exception of the lying-down type of float, all other floats should ride upright in the water. If they don't, it is because they are either out of balance, or need an extra weight affixed to the line underneath them to draw them into an upright position. The bait may also be resting on the bottom, the water being shallower than anticipated by the angler.

To thread the float, simply pass the line through the eyelets of the float and then at the depth at which you want your bait to dangle, affix a splitshot sinker or other device to stop the running of the float along the line beyond that point. There should be just enough pf the float above the water to make it visible to the angler. Too much and the wind will catch the stem and blow it away. Experienced anglers can then watch their float and know instantly what is happening beneath the surface where their bait is. The float disappearing from view is a good indication the bait has been taken and time for the strike.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Fishing http://fishing.tips-and-gear.com/

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Science of Fishing

Tip! Adding a good smelling flavor into the pasty mixture attracts catfish more.

There is a lot of science that goes into fishing. Tackle companies spend millions of dollars annually to prove their product is better than anything else on the market. Along with that, there are just as many axioms on when the fish will or won't bite. "Never fish a West wind", " Fish a rising barometer" and others are things you hear from time to time.

While those rules hold some basis in truth, my question is how many anglers actually care about them? Most of the fishermen I know squeeze in a hour here or a morning there to get their angling fix. No self respecting sportsman would say "I have three hours to spend on the water, but the barometer is steady so I guess I'll go mow the lawn." It just doesn't happen. "Why?" you ask.

Very few people in today's world have the luxury of setting their own schedule. Between work, family, traffic and honey-dos, time is at a premium and time to relax is even harder to come by.
So when the opportunity presents itself to get out and do what you enjoy it must be seized; it may be weeks before you get another chance.

I have stood in the water fishing in the freezing cold, with a tropical storm breathing down our throats, blazing heat and pouring rain just because I had a couple of hours. I do draw the line at lightening though. There is a big difference between taking a couple hours to relax and risking your life to do it.

Tip! To be an amateur fisherman there are basic pieces of fishing equipment needed to complete your exciting journey in the fishing world. Knowing the line type and matching the right rod and reel to the fishing technique is just basic common sense.

Personally, I hate to fish a West wind, but it has nothing to do with the fish. Here in South Florida, when the wind is from the west in August the temperature is always close to 100 degrees. I love to fish late afternoon just before sunset because that is when I get off work and need the time to myself. A rising barometer means that it is most likely going to be windy from the East. A falling barometer in Florida can be very bad especially between June and December.
Fishing the daylight hours during a full moon can be slow, but you don't know till you try.

Ultimately, if I were able to pick the day and hour to go fishing, I would probably pay closer attention to things like the barometer and moon phase and........on second thought, no I wouldn't, I'd just go fishing.

Jim Dourney is the owner of http://www.snookguy.com and an avid saltwater fisherman. His family has lived in South Florida for many generations which gives him a unique insight into not only fishing the local waters, but to the surrounding area.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fly Fishing Flys - The Difference Between Different Types of Flies

Tip! Some fishing lodges advertise a certain amount for a few days by the lake. It is advisable to ask if there are any hidden charges.

If you go into any fishing tackle shop, you will find a plethora of fly fishing flys. In fact, you might find that the shop has an overwhelming amount of fly fishing flys. It can be hard to know where to even start looking, let alone how to know which flys to buy.

To help you out, here are some basic descriptions of some of the major types of fly fishing flys:

Wet Fly Fishing Flys

The flys are supposed to resemble certain insects as they would look beneath the surface of the water. Fish will bite at wet fly fishing flys, thinking that they are drowned insects, aquatic insects, or larvae swimming to the surface to hatch. When using wet flys, you are not necessarily trying to imitate a particular insect or fish, etc. (whereas you are trying to do so when using dry flies or nymphs). Wet fly fishing flys are supposed to imitate insects in motion - they look like they are swimming to the surface or drowning, etc. You do not need perfect technique to fish with wet flys.

Dry Fly Fishing Flys

These fly fishing flys are meant to resemble an insect floating on the surface of the water (although, some do not imitate insects, but rather frogs, snakes, or mice, etc.) To keep the fly on the surface of the water, many of them need to be oiled with something like Gink. Some flys rely on the surface tension of the water to float.

Nymph Fly Fishing Flys

A nymph resembles an insect living under water. It can also resemble certain larvae. Some nymphs may have added weight to keep it underwater.

Streamer Fly Fishing Flys

These types of flys do not resemble insects. Rather, they look like injured fish. If you are fishing for a predatory fish, a streamer fly is a good choice.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on fly fishing, please visit Super Fly Fishing.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

12 Tips For Largemouth Bass Fishing

Tip! Crankbaits are another commonly used bass fishing lure that come in all shapes and sizes covering a full spectrum of colors. Crankbaits are comparatively simple to fish and can be very efficient when used in the right situations.

Enjoy fishing for those largemouth bass? Here are some largemouth bass fishing tips that should come in handy the next time you are ready to do a little angling.

(1) Worms or tubes bought in bulk could get smelly, even outside of the bag they're stored in. You should seal these worms in smaller vacuum sealer bags like those you purchase for food storage. Keeps the largemouth bass bait airtight and fresh, so they can be stored anywhere for any length of time.

(2) Fish seem to gain leverage with hard baits such as top waters, jerk baits or crank baits and can easily throw them. One solution to this is to add a split ring, putting it between the ring that is already there and the hook. This reduces the fish's leverage, which puts a greater number of fish in the live well.

(3) Begin a fishing excursion before you ever reach the water. Largemouth fishing tips include formulating a plan. After executing the plan for a few hours, decide how it's working and if it's not go to plan "B".

(4) Are those largemouths not cooperating? Switch to a bait you have confidence in.

(5) Change fishing spots, even if you have a favorite, be sure to try new spots often.

(6) You should also be willing to study a lake map and consider the season and current weather conditions even if you are fishing on a very familiar lake. You may have missed a great fishing spot.

(7) Use a personal computer to discern lake levels, weather forecasts, and wind and wave conditions.

(8) Be willing to change your game plan. Pay attention to your instincts.

(9) Don't get ahead of yourself and set the hook as soon as you see the strike. You need to feel the fish.

Tip! Start out fishing for small fish, like sunnies or perch. Also start out fishing with a bobber, this is a lot easier and you won't get caught on rocks as much (oh, yeah, and don't get caught on rocks, either).

(10) When the largemouth short strikes behind top water bait and you don't connect you should not give up. Cast a different bait very quickly.

(11) If you have been using larger lures and you have experienced only a few nonproductive bites it may be time to try something smaller.

(12) Remember to take into consideration the root system when fishing a stump. The root systems may hold more fish than the main part of the stump.

Now that you have these largemouth bass fishing tips, head for the water and bring in a big one.

For advanced bass fishing techniques, please visit http://www.catch-largemouth-bass.com/

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Raising Strong Family By Fishing

Tip! Fishing for snooks is quite similar as fishing for bass. Snooks like to be around ledges, posts and rocks.

I have always enjoyed the outdoors since I was a kid. My Father made hunting and fishing an everyday part of my life. He was a Boeing Executive, but using the outdoors as your stress relief made him a great Dad.

Well, I grew up and had my own family of a great wife, daughter and son, and I started taking them fishing from day one. It is amazing what you can do with a kid on your back.

I took those kids everywhere with us. It did not stop me from my favorite hobbies or outdoor escapes. It only enhanced them.

It really bothers me to see parents leaving their kids at home to do their activities. Time and time again I see folks treating their kid like they were a burden. Then years later, they wonder why they are having relationship problems with their kids. Take them fishing, biking, hiking, shopping, driving, swimming or what ever you do. Put them on your back, install a special seat, dress them real warm, buy the best safety equipment and start being a family.

Trout Fishing Secrets. Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed - How To Catch A Trout Everytime: When Spinner Fishing Your Favorite Stream Or River.

You will enjoy your activities so much better when you see it through your kids eyes. They will enhance the trips with their questions and playfulness. If your friends done like your kids with you, then tell them to bring their too. If that does not work, then they are poor friends.

Tip! Check your line just above the lure frequently when fishing crankbaits around rocks, gravel, stumps, and other hard obstructions. They can quickly fray your line.

My kids are now in their 20's, and they still love doing activities with their folks. I have devoted a outdoor web site to them and created special search sites line http://www.rangersearch.com, http://www.huntingonlinefind.com, http://www.campingonlinefind.com and http://www.fishingonlinefind.com to make finding outdoor activities easy to find for your family.

Please, stop looking at your kids as something to keep you from your favorite activities. Take them along, modify what you normally do to include kids and start being a family everyday.


Family outdoor activities. A mission a bring families closer by being together and enjoying each others company.